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Professor Margaret Stack

Professor and Leader of the TriboS group at
 The University of Strathclyde
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My research interests are focused on maps for the interactions of solid particle erosion and wear of materials in corrosive environments, with specific emphasis on charting mechanisms of materials loss. My research group has pioneered a number of maps in the Tribo-Corrosion domain including the erosion-corrosion and micro-abrasion maps for aqueous environments applicable to renewable energy (wind and tidal energy) and bio-medical conditions.  We are also developing paradigms for combining materials and meteorological maps. 

The Tribology Research Group in the Department which I lead has attracted over £2m of research funding since 2016.  I am a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (CPhys, FInsP), of the Institute of Materials, Mining and Minerals (FIMMM) and the Institution of Engineers of Ireland (CEng, FIEI).

I have led the EPSRC funded ReC-ASM (£1.1m) project which aims to optimize materials in marine and tidal energy conversion and currently lead a group of 15 PhD and MEng researchers including 3 Research Associates.  Many of our current projects sit in the Green Tribology and low carbon technology space.

My group has authored over 200 publications (150 journal articles) and has a H index of 37 Scopus and 43 Google scholar (over 5000 citations). Our research interest score of 39 in Researchgate currently exceeds that of 98% of Mechanical Engineering researchers, indicating our influence in this discipline. In the 2020 Stanford study of top 2% academics internationally we are within the top 1% in the Mechanical Engineering and Transports ranking.

I lead the International Network on Tribo-Corrosion (TrICorr-Net) and sit on several editorial boards including Tribology International. Our collaborations on materials for renewables include the EPSRC CAMREG project with the University of Edinburgh and the EU SPIRE 2 project with University of Ulster.

Our group has founded the first journal in Tribo-Corrosion of which I am Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (Springer, New York) which published over 140 papers in 2020 (CiteScore of 3.5 for 2020).

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